When examining the non-control-top styles in fig. 1, we can see similar trends to other strength measurements of Brand 1 (Sheertex Classic Tights) vs. this composite competitor. The average with-seam strength (41.1kgf) is 1.8 times stronger than the average competitor (21.9kgf), as well as 3.2 times stronger than the weakest competitor (Brand 2, 12.9kgf). The strength of Brand 4 (33.8kgf) comes closest to Sheertex Classic Tights, but it is worth noting that the fabric at the gusset seam is actually quite opaque in this style due to it being a control top, which Sheertex Classic Tights are not. The thicker fabric lends more strength, but at the expense of sheerness in this area.

Fig. 1. Yield strength for reinforced gusset sample containing a seam.
Fig. 2. Yield PSI for toe seam by brand.
Finally, when examining the strength of the toe seam, we find that Sheertex (35.0psi) held 2.3 times more pressure than the average competitor (15.3 psi). Compared to the next strongest toe seam (Brand 2, 18.0 psi), Sheertex held 1.9 times more pressure, and 3.5 times more pressure than Brand 5 (disposable tights, 10.0 psi).